Spring 2022
Minutes Thursday February 10 2022
Attending: Teressa Chambers, Giorgio Cocomello, Candida Hall, Emma McFall, Stu Geman, Rosanna Wertheimer.
Taking minutes: Giorgio Cocomello
Discussed confidentiality with new Committee members.
Discussed Newsletter. 4 people signed up to the task mailing list.
Graduate student survey about recruiting and visiting day. Only one person responded so far. We will reach out to get more responses.
Workshop updates. Difficult conversations workshop to take place tentatively on march 1st.
Black History Month. We want to do two posts to highlight accomplishments of Black mathematicians, similarly as last year. We also talked about making it a trivia and having prizes.
We discussed the Metrics document with new Committee members.
Work plan for the semester:
We discussed this semester priorities:
Getting the broader community involved.
Newsletter and overall transparency and communication.
Grad student recruiting.
We want to work on specific initiatives that target undergrads.
Town hall. We discussed the timing of this and decided to aim for right after spring break.
Workshop on “Best practices in advising and mentoring “ a few weeks after that.
Logistics: we discussed how we want to use committee meeting times, and what are best practices to make sure tasks get accomplished.
Private minutes. We decided that private minutes should be accessible to everyone who is on the committee at the time of those meetings, regardless of whether the person was able to attend. This is done to make sure everyone is on the same page. In order to prioritize confidentiality, we will have different documents to record minutes that are only shared with current committee members.
Website. We discussed recording the newsletter on the website. We also decided to add a “get involved” page.
Minutes: Thursday, January 27, 2022
Attending: Giorgio Cocomello, Teressa Chambers, Moyi Tian, Bjorn Sandstede, Candida Hall, Rosanna Wertheimer
Taking Minutes: Moyi Tian
We reviewed confidentiality and rules of file permissions within the committee.
Dr. Sandstede shared some diversity related statistics from recent graduate recruitment.
DEI Objectives Metrics:
Rosanna Wertheimer presented the results of the metrics that are collectively contributed by the members of the committee. The metrics will be used by the committee as a baseline for measuring the development of our tasks over time.
We will be extracting key tasks to be focused on in the short-term from the metrics.
2021 Graduate School Climate Survey:
Rosanna Wertheimer shared the results from the 2021 climate survey with the committee.
The results will also be shared in the upcoming Town Hall.
DEI Committee Newsletter:
We finalized the details for the Winter 2022 DEI Committee Newsletter, including some group editing, the time frame and the medium of publishing.
Spring 2022 Priorities:
Rosanna Wertheimer updated the Tables App to better facilitate the process of keeping track of all DEI initiatives over time.
A general plan of the spring workshops and Town Hall was being discussed. We will be working with Alycia Mosley Austin in the following weeks to finalize more details.
The Black History Month in Applied Mathematics will take place this spring.
A DEI email address will be set up. The email account will be used to distribute news to the APMA community and collect feedback from the public. The email address will be put on the website soon.
Minutes: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Attending: Giorgio Cocomello, Teressa Chambers, Bjorn Sandstede, Moyi Tian, Rosanna Wertheimer
Taking Minutes: Teressa Chambers
Dr. Stu Geman will be joining the committee this semester; Dr. Guzman is on sabbatical. The committee will be recruiting undergraduates to join at the start of the spring semester.
The December meeting with Alycia Mosley Austin provided the committee with guidelines on sharing the results of the recent climate survey, which will be done in an upcoming town hall. Alycia also offered to help the department with a series of workshops on mentoring.
At Dr. Sandstede’s meeting with OIED, the Office offered assistance in revising the APMA DIAP to meet the standards of the University’s Phase 2 DIAP. OIED also offered to run a detailed climate assessment in the Division as a first step in this process.
The Division has been conducting a departmental self-study in fall ( which is still under development) that will continue with an external review this spring.
Spring Priorities:
As mentioned in the updates, we will be aiding in the upcoming mentoring work with Alycia Mosley Austin and the DIAP revisions with OIED.
Due to the wide array of tasks under the committee’s purview, one priority for this semester is to develop outreach mechanisms by which the committee can seek assistance and contributions from the whole APMA community.
We will be focusing particularly on improving training opportunities available to graduate students for TA work, as well as to faculty and graduate students for mentoring.
We are finalizing the Winter 2022 DEI Committee Newsletter to highlight key achievements and give the APMA community insight into our upcoming projects.
The committee will meet again the week of January 24th.
Fall 2021
Minutes: Thursday 16 December 2021
Attending: Giorgio Cocomello, Teressa Chambers, Johnny Guzman, Candida Hall, Rosanna Wertheimer.
Taking minutes: Giorgio Cocomello.
Johnny and Rosanna to meet with Dean Alycia Mosley Austin to discuss what specific information about climate review and department stats (e.g. applicant demographics) can be shared with DEI committee.
Bjorn to meet with OIED to keep discussing next steps on recommended initiatives.
Metrics Document:
Rosanna shared a scoring system for initiatives in terms of how established and organized they are, and what needs work to make it more sustainable in the future.
Other committee members will contribute to this, so we can identify areas of improvement we should focus on.
We are working on the first DEI Committee Newsletter to share progress, general info, and upcoming events with the APMA community. We sketched an outline and assigned roles to committee members.
We need to collect some information about progress on some specific initiatives from Chair, DUS, and DGS.
We are aiming at sending out the newsletter in the first week of the Spring semester.
We talked a little bit about the upcoming department self study and program reviews.
We talked about working on more effective ways to train TA’s, including DEI related training. We are planning to invite Prof Wang (who will be in charge of TA’s next year) to discuss this in the Spring.
Committee will meet again the week of Jan 10th.
Minutes : Thursday , December 2, 2021
Attending: Giorgio Cocomello, Teressa Chambers, Johnny Guzman, Candida Hall, Bjorn Sandstede, Moyi Tian, Rosanna Wertheimer
Taking Minutes: Johnny Guzman
Town Hall with Graduate Students: Kavita, Chi-Wang, and Bjorn met with graduate student to discuss the OIED letter and call to action letter. Maria Suarez and Alycia Mosley Austin facilitated meeting and met with the graduate students privately for the second half of the meeting. Maria and Alycia met with Bjorn to discuss the second part of meeting. They had recommendations.
Department Self Study: Feedback will be solicited from everyone.
Response to Call To Action Letter: Bjorn has sent a response to the graduate students.
Course Load Data: Giorgio is organizing an effort to collect information about course loads at other universities.
Moving Forward:
Plan to write a DEI newsletter for the APMA community.
Ideas for getting more people in the APMA community involved in DEI tasks. Plan to create a shared document that has volunteering opportunities, reporting, etc.
For spring semester, plan to expand the committee to include undergraduates and maybe postdocs.
Plan to work on developing more metrics to evaluate progress on DEI efforts
Minutes: Thursday 18 November 2021
Attending: Giorgio Cocomello, Teressa Chambers, Johnny Guzman, Candida Hall, Bjorn Sandstede, Rosanna Wertheimer
Composition of Current Committee
Johnny will be on sabbatical next semester.
Stu Geman is willing to come back.
Reviewed committee charge and history
DIAP Phase 2
OIED identified priority areas, developed rubrics
OIED will not require rewriting of DDIAPs
OIED will develop a new rubric by end of January, department reports will be due by end of April or May. Response from OIED will be done by September.
OIED Summary Report
List of recommendations - opportunities for training and links to resources
Ideas for how to give faculty more feedback, present case studies
Where are we now? Discussion of Current Climate
Process for Departmental Review
Self-Study - happening now
External Review Committee - Spring 2022
Graduate Program Review First Stage - Spring 2022
Formal Review following Report from External Review Committee - 2022-23
Next Steps
Will meet again in two weeks, December 2 at 11:00am
Future agenda items:
Response to Call-to-Action letter
Discussion of additional DDIAP Committee members
Overview of Goals/Project tracking document
Spring 2021
Minutes: Monday 29 March 2021
Attending: Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Giorgio Cocomello, Rosanna Wertheimer, Stu Geman, Bjorn Sandstede, Emma Dennis-Knieriem, Candida Hall, Sahdiah Cox
Discussed priority settings and changes for Tables file
Discussed updates made by each subgroup
Started to make SMART goals, assign roles, establish priorities and timelines
Need to prune repeated items on the list and create larger groups to make the initiatives more manageable
Next steps: Bjorn and Rosanna will meet to structure Tables document to allow for easier clustering
Minutes 15 March 2021
SMART Criteria to select priority goals
Specific: target a specific area for improvement
Measurable: quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress
Assignable (or Attainable): specify who will do it
Relevant: ensure that the goal is in line with the bigger picture and vision
(Realistic: state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources)
Time-Related: specify when results can be achieved
Priority setting for DIAP goals
Rosanna set up a table with action items combined from the previous DIAP and other sources such as the graduate student letter
We briefly discussed the categories for goals, objectives, and status
Bjorn will update the status of the items in each sheet and then we will all go through three big categories in smaller groups to condense them
Foster community: Bjorn, Candida, Emma M., Daniel S.
Increase diversity: Geman, Rebecca, Sahdiah
Raise awareness: Giorgio, Rosanna, Emma DK
Minutes 1 March 2021
Feedback from the Stereotype Threat Workshop
Workshop was well attended by graduate students and staff. Four faculty members also attended.
The content was good (methodology and applicability) and well presented.
Noted that participants were sometimes reluctant to speak up.
Scheduling “Difficult conversations” workshop
Community Engagement
Feedback from the Black History Month Project.
Weekly emails were fun and successful.
Everyone (including faculty) should feel free to participate in the trivia contest.
Women’s History Month
We will continue with weekly emails and trivia in March for Women’s History.
We will solicit nominations for women in applied math to include in the featured emails.
Setting Priorities
We started discussing and compiling a list of priorities in the following categories:
Most impactful to be implemented in the short term
Impactful but require a longer implementation period.
Discussed mechanisms for soliciting feedback, as one high priority item.
Committee Feedback
The chair will create a Google form to solicit feedback from this committee about how the work of the committee is going.
Minutes 15 February 2021
Prioritize Activities
Looked at the 2016 DIAP, 2020 Call to Action letter, and other DIAP initiatives
Discussed key initiatives for the Division and for each population within it
Next Steps
For the next meeting, we will think about the short-term, high-impact items and the longer-term items that require more institutional change
Minutes 1 February 2021
Present: Giorgio Cocomello, Sahdiah Cox, Emma, Dennis-Knieriem, Stuart Geman, Candida Hall, Emma McFall, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
The meeting started with introductions (Emma, Emma, Giorgio, Sahdiah, and Stu joined the committee), a review of the committee charge, our processes, and our agreement to keep sensitive material confidential
Bjorn reviewed our upcoming events that we will advertise shortly
We discussed that we would review the activities proposed in the 2016 DDIAP plan in small groups (and add/amend/remove items as needed) and prioritize them. We will discuss the resulting ranked lists at our next meeting.
Fall 2020
Minutes 12 January 2021
Present: Bjorn Sandstede, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
Recruiting for additional members for this committee is underway: faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students.
Graduate Program diversity statement is ready to be published to department website.
Professional Development Workshops
We will schedule two workshops geared for the whole APMA community.
The topics are Stereotype Threat and Difficulty Conversations.
Website Updates
We are working posting diversity-related efforts within the department to a website.
We have information about some ongoing efforts and will solicit other entries from faculty, postdocs, and graduate students.
Next Steps
Review 2016 DIAP and the status of the initiatives listed in the plan.
Consider the process for work on the Phase 2 DIAP with a focus on monitoring, metrics, and other methods for ensuring successful implementation.
Bjorn to share more of what he learned at the Paradigm Conference about recruiting.
Hold department-wide professional development workshops.
Minutes 3 December 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, Candida Hall, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
Workshops on stereotype threat and difficult conversations to be scheduled.
Received DIAP Response Letter from OIED
Review of Google Form for feedback on DEI statement for graduate program
We made some edits and agreed on a deadline of 12/4/20 at noon for comments.
Once finalized, Bjorn will send survey to graduate students and faculty members for their feedback.
Review DDIAP Charge
We reviewed updated version of the committee charge and agreed on a deadline of 12/4/20 at noon for final comments.
Once finalized, the charge will be posted to the website.
Start Progress Report in response to DIAP response letter
We listed steps taken/plans to address each of the recommendations listed in the DIAP response letter.
We are also planning to start a newsletter to update the APMA community on our progress.
End of the Semester Wrap-up
Thank you to John and Jose for their valuable work on the committee this Fall. They will not be available to serve on the committee in the Spring.
Next Meetings: We may choose to skip December 17 meeting, but we plan to meet more frequently in January.
Minutes 19 November 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, Candida Hall, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
Working with Mary Wright to schedule stereotype workshop after Thanksgiving.
Working with existing departmental effort to posting diversity and inclusion activities to website
Marlina Duncan will be leaving the graduate school for a new job. Ryan Davis has left OIED. We are not sure yet about replacements.
Plans for Going Forward
Educational Events – see how the Stereotype Threat event goes and we can do more events like this in the Spring.
John will be on sabbatical in the Spring and will not be on the committee.
Planning to expand committee to include undergraduates and postdocs
Minutes 5 November 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, Candida Hall, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
Bjorn reported that he did not make progress on his tasks.
Bjorn will talk with Chi-Wang Shu to attend the AMS ParaDIGMS conference.
Minutes 22 October 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, Candida Hall, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
Approval of public minutes:
When someone is done taking the minutes, they should send an email to everyone for approval (as discussed before, if there is no disapproval expressed, approval is implied)
Faculty meeting 10/8 feelings/reactions:
Daniel read notes Candy put together
Discussed possibly having a moderator for future conversations with faculty, setting ground rules
Most committee members felt that the statement still does not go far enough with regards to taking responsibility for past failings
Came to the conclusion that this is a step in the right direction, and we will move forward with the revised statement
Bjorn will work on incorporating Candy’s comment about including “HUGs”, and email us
After final faculty approval, we will share the statement with graduate students for feedback
DEI website is live
Bjorn, Rebecca and Rosanna had a meeting with Mary Wright at the Sheridan Center about the RISE in Applied Math series.
Call to Action response not finished yet
Got a response from Math Alliance about joining, next steps were detailed, Bjorn will bring options to faculty
Minutes 8 October 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, Candida Hall, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
Plan for updating the Division’s website with a new button for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Details of how the site is organized will be determined as the content grows. It will include a list of resources.
Committee members will attend today’s faculty meeting to discuss the DEI statements.
RISE in Applied Math series: We are waiting to hear back from several contacts around Brown. Planning will continue before the next committee meeting.
Discussion of the charge for this committee
Need to write up a charge for the committee. Looking at other departments’ websites for ideas. We will discuss a draft charge for the committee at our next meeting.
Charge includes:
Items assigned to committee from the Call to Action
Planning RISE in Applied Math series
DIAP Phase 2 as defined by OIED
Also discussed questions about the responsibility of the committee for the following:
Coordination of DIAP implementation.
Oversight of DIAP process
Oversight of comment box
Climate surveys and responses
Formal response to Call to Action: Bjorn is writing a response and will discuss with the committee at our next meeting.
Working on next steps for joining Math Alliance and NAM
Minutes 1 October 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer, Candida Hall
Interim statement feedback: Decided to keep “We believe” in first statement, took all other suggestions given
Faculty feedback on grad statement:
Concerns were voiced about the changes proposed by the faculty to the grad program statement
Next steps: Bjorn will schedule some time so that those who would like to share their opinions on the language of the statement may do so at the next faculty meeting
Survey results:
Not that many responses
People generally wanted content that related to teaching/fostering inclusive environments
Chose “RISE in Applied Math” as name of presentation/discussion/lecture series
Decided it would be good to have different interesting formats such as breakout discussions on issues such as stereotype threat. Or assigning “homework” before a group discussion such as watching a movie (as we did at the last town hall)
Not sure if we should have programming on general topics such as the history of racism in America. Might be better to advertise existing resources.
Next steps: Bjorn will contact appropriate people that can help us present this type of content
Purview of the committee:
Diversity Initiatives, keeping up the comment box, liaising with faculty, items assigned to committee by faculty from the the Call to Action, planning RISE in Applied Math series, DIAP Phase 2 as defined by OIED
Will discuss further at next meeting
Minutes 24 September 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
Finalizing Survey:
Changes: First line specifies diversity, equity and inclusion. -- approved by committee
Committee discussed the Math Alliance and National Association of Mathematics. Math Alliance provides mentorship to underrepresented and underserved American students seeking doctoral degrees in mathematics and statistics. Jose will find out the specific requirements to join Math Alliance. The National Association of Mathematics (NAM) institutional membership costs $150. NAM is a non-profit professional organization in the mathematical sciences which promotes excellence in the mathematical sciences and
the mathematical development of all underrepresented minorities.
Protocol will be developed concerning how to relate DIAP with other activities concerning diversity and inclusion within the department. Bjorn will contact Kavita to discuss SEAM. Bjorn and Rosanna will work together on developing websites where all activities are readily available.
Interim Statement and graduate program DIAP was finalized and approved by the committee
Bjorn will ask faculty about the graduate program DIAP statement, then he will send the statement to students for suggestions. For the interim statement, Bjorn will ask faculty if they want to edit the statement before it is released to everyone else to give comments.
Minutes 10 September 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
Bjorn will write a survey to solicit topics for the fall and will send it to DIAP later for feedback
Draft of diversity statement
Current statement draft is focused on graduate students and will be posted for graduate student applications (and will be adapted for undergraduates)
Bjorn will first share it with Professors Shu, Ramanan, and Harrisson then go to faculty for feedback then graduate students
Will write a more general department statement
Base our own around the values we have as MIT’s physics department does here https://web.mit.edu/physics/about/values.html
Ask the community what values we would like to be represented. This will be part of a larger conversation about the Division’s values.
In the interim, we will expand the current statement
Expanded and edited the current statement
We’ll think about the final statement and finalize it next time
Will email the DIAP website to the department again and highlight that we have a comment box now
Minutes 27 August 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, Candida Hall, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano
Minutes: Approved minutes of 8/13 meeting
Discussion of call-to-action letter:
Faculty approved to make GRE general and math subject optional for current application cycle of our graduate program
Formal response to community will go out soon
Develop plan for DIE events in fall:
Will develop a survey to get input on topics from the faculty, graduate students, postdoc, and staff community.
Possible topics:
Why underrepresentation?
Slavery and civil right movement
Structural racism (legacy of jim crow, modern red lining policies)
How can we be more inclusive?
Next meeting currently planned for 9/10 Thu at 11am (subject to availability)
Minutes 13 August 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, Candida Hall, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
Clarification of confidentiality of meetings
We will have 2 sets of minutes (public/confidential) to preserve confidentiality for delicate issues
Call to action items that DDIAP committee will address
Include a DEI statement on the Division’s website with links to university resources for marginalized students
DDIAP committee will draft a statement with input from faculty, staff, and students for review by faculty
Timeline: end of September as target
Conduct more regular climate surveys, including entrance and exit surveys
DDIAP committee will discuss best practices with OIED, investigate exit and entrance surveys, and establish better ways to make suggestions and report incidents
Update the DIAP for the Division (ongoing throughout the year)
The DIAP committee will meet monthly to discuss progress on these items
These action items will be on the agenda regularly
The rest of the items will be distributed to appropriate committees in the department and the DDIAP committee will follow up on their progress
Town Hall on 8/18/20
Will discuss resources distributed by Marlina Duncan: Can We Talk? movie as well as two readings so that the community can have a general discussion about issues that URM students face
Rosanna presented the results from the graduate school climate survey from spring 2019, but the graduate school has asked the data be kept confidential
Form for suggestions and reports
Candy and Rosanna will make a version of the math’s department’s form
Either Candy or Rosanna will receive the responses and then distribute them accordingly (there will be an option on the form as to who should see the response)
Developing plans for professional development activities in the fall will be the goal for the next meeting
Minutes 30 July 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, Candida Hall, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
The committee will create a Google site where we will post minutes, link to materials & resources, and solicit feedback. Public minutes will be posted within 2-3 business days of each committee meeting.
The committee discussed our approach to two interrelated priorities:
Addressing serious issues with department climate/culture
Improving racial and ethnic diversity with the Division
The committee began to define a possible approach: in August we will come up with a high-level plan for the year that will probably include an emphasis on learning in the fall and defining core values in the spring with a goal of revising the Department DIAP by the end of May.
The committee acknowledged that we may not be able to define more detailed priorities until we do the foundational work of learning about key issues, developing communication skills, and defining values.
The committee discussed how to follow-up to the Town Hall meeting. We agree that a community-wide discussion must be continued, but we need to solicit advice before deciding on the next steps.
Minutes 22 July 2020
Present: Jose Celaya-Alcala, Candida Hall, John Mallet-Paret, Bjorn Sandstede, Rebecca Santorella, Daniel Solano, Rosanna Wertheimer
The committee decided to keep our meetings confidential. We will post public minutes with a summary of the meeting content after each meeting.
The committee will meet every other Thursday at 11am starting on July 30. These dates may be revised when the fall semester starts
The committee developed a preliminary set of priorities that will be revisited, and finalized, in the next meeting.