Applied Mathematics

Research Institutes and Centers

The Division of Applied Mathematics and its faculty are actively involved in many centers and institutes across the Brown campus. Among these are:


The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM) seeks to support and broaden the relationship between mathematics and computation:  specifically, to expand the use of computational and experimental methods in mathematics, to support theoretical advanced related to computation, and address problems posed by the existence and use of the computer through mathematical tools, research and innovation.  


Lefschetz Center for Dynamical Systems

The Lefschetz Center provides a unique environment in which high-level mathematical research is carried out alongside intensive collaborations with researchers in the applied sciences and engineering. The Center is named after the famous mathematician, Solomon Lefschetz, who was one of its founders and early leaders. Faculty and students from the Division of Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, and Division of Engineering with common interests in the theory and applications of nonlinear analysis are brought together through the activities of the center. The research of the group is focused on modern approaches to dynamical systems, partial differential equations (particularly nonlinear wave propagation and conservation laws) and stochastic control. Mathematical techniques are developed and applied in a broad range of fields, including continuum mechanics, mathematical biology, nonlinear optics, economics and finance, oceanography, celestial mechanics, fluids and astrophysics.  Also part of LCDS is the Research Training Group entitled, " Integrating Dynamics and Stochastics" (IDyaS).  Its goal  is to broaden and enhance the scope and quality of the educational and research training provided to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows by integrating research and education in the fields of dynamics, stochastics, and their applications.

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Center For Computational Molecular Biology 

The key mission of the Center for Computational Molecular Biology (CCMB) is to make breakthrough discoveries in the life sciences through the development and application of novel computational, mathematical, and statistical techniques. Research in the Center aims to exploit the opportunities from technological advances in genomics and proteomics. The doctoral program is the result of a collaboration between the four academic units that comprise the CCMB:  Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and Molecular Biology, Cell Biology & Biochemistry. The PhD program assumes the following prerequisites: mathematics through intermediate calculus, linear algebra and discrete mathematics, demonstrated programming skill, and at least on undergraduate course in chemistry and in molecular biology.

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Center For Computation And Visualization

CCV develops and manages high-performance computing, data storage, and visualization resources, provides physical and virtual server hosting, and offers high-performance backup and archival services for the Brown research community. CCV’s technical staff offer research system management services for departmental research computing systems on a quarterly service fee basis. CCV also maintains a one-petabyte Tivoli TSM backup/archive server for campus research data.  CCV develops and maintains parallel computing and Virtual Reality display resources for general use by the University research community.   CCV provides consulting services for the configuration and management of research computing facilities, and provides resource access for applications for technologies in Brown's curricula.  They also participate directly in graphics, visualization, and computational science research.   Since computational science and engineering are integral to Brown's evolving research programs and its curricula, CCV is committed to providing a resource environment and nexus of intellectual interaction that will facilitate the development of innovative multidiscipline collaboration in the spirit of Brown's open academic identity.

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Center For Vision Research

The Center for Vision Research, part of Brown’s interdisciplinary Brain Science Program, promotes and facilitates research on biological vision, computational aspects of machine vision, visual disorders, and the brain mechanisms underlying vision. The CVR provides in-depth training in vision research to postdoctoral fellows, medical residents, graduate students, and undergraduates and serves as a unifying organization spanning traditional departments, as well helping to bridge the gap between basic research and clinical practice. Vision Research at Brown includes over 30 faculty from 10 departments. What sets the Brown vision community apart is the unusually strong interactions between departments, and especially between faculty members in more quantitative disciplines (e.g. applied math, computer science, engineering, physics) and faculty in more biological or behavior-oriented disciplines (e.g. cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology). Our goal is to nurture multidisciplinary and translational research. Examples include theoretical studies of vision and visual plasticity in concert with experimental tests; biologically-inspired vision models implemented in artificial systems; and models of visual-cortical processing to address "high-level" visual deficits in developmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

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